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As per the census of $$2001$$, of population of four states is given below. Arrange the states in ascending and descending order or their population.
Maharashtra $$96878627$$
Andhra pradesh $$76210007$$
Bihar $$82998509$$
Uttar predesh $$166197921$$

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$$\textbf{Step 1: Arranging in ascending order}$$
Ascending order - process of arranging numbers from smallest to biggest.

$$76210007 < 82998509 < 96878627 < 166197921$$
$$\therefore$$ Ascending order is $$76210007, 82998509, 96878627, 166197921$$

$$\textbf{Hence, the arrangement of the states in ascending order of their population:}$$
$$\textbf{Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh}$$

$$\textbf{Step 2: Arranging in descending order:}$$
Now for descending order just reverse the above order, which is

$$\textbf{Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh}$$

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As per the census of $$2001$$, of population of four states is given below. Arrange the states in ascending and descending order or their population.
Maharashtra $$96878627$$
Andhra pradesh $$76210007$$
Bihar $$82998509$$
Uttar predesh $$166197921$$
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Question 155

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