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On one day a rickshaw puller earned $$Rs. 160$$. Out of his earnings he spent $$Rs. 26 \dfrac 35$$ on tea and snacks. $$Rs. 50 \dfrac {1}{2}$$ on food and $$Rs. 16 \dfrac 25$$ on repairs of the rickshaw. How much did he save on that day?

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We know that the given details are
Total earnings $$= Rs. 160$$
Earnings spent on tea and snacks $$= Rs. 26 \dfrac 35$$

Earning spent on food $$= Rs. 50 \dfrac 12$$

Earnings sped on repairs $$= Rs. 16 \dfrac 25$$

$$\therefore$$ Total expenditure $$=$$ Earnings spent on tea and snacks $$+$$ Earnings spent on food $$+$$ Earnings spent on repairs

$$= Rs. 26 \dfrac 35 + Rs. 50\dfrac {1}{2} + Rs. 16 \dfrac 25$$

$$= \dfrac {133} 5 + \dfrac {101}2 + \dfrac {82}5$$

By taking LCM for $$5$$ and $$2$$ is $$10$$
$$=\dfrac {(133\times 2 + 101\times 5 + 82\times 2)} {10}$$
$$= \dfrac {(266 + 505 + 164)} {10}$$
$$= \dfrac {935} {10}$$

Total Savings $$=$$ Total Earnings $$-$$ Total Expenditure
$$= Rs. 160 - Rs. \dfrac {935} {10}$$

By taking $$10$$ as the LCM
$$= \dfrac {(160\times 10 - 935\times 1)} {10}$$$$= \dfrac {(1600 - 935)} {10}$$
$$= \dfrac {665} {10} = 66\dfrac {1}{2}$$
$$\therefore$$ Total Savings on that day is $$Rs. 66\dfrac {1}{2}$$.

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