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2. What is proton-neutron hypothesis of nuclear
nuclear composition
composition ? Define the various terms used to describe
Proton-neutron hypothesis of nuclear
composition. The discovery of neutrons by Chadwick,
led Heisenberg to propose proton-neutron hypothesis in
1932. According to this hypothesis, protons and
neutrons are the main building blocks of the nuclei of
all atoms. According to this hypothesis, a nucleus of
mass number A and atomic number Z contains Z
protons and (A - Z) neutrons. The protons give
positive charge to the nucleus, while protons and
neutrons together give it mass. To neutralise, the
positive charge of the nucleus, it to make the atom
electrically neutral, the number of extra-nuclea
electrons is Z -
Proton. It is a fundamental particle which may be
called the nucleus of hydrogen. It has a positive charg
of 1.6 x 10c. It has a rest mass
1.6726x 10-kg, which is about 1836 times the te
mass of an electron. A proton has an intrinsic (spe
angular momentum equal to 1/2. It also possesses
magnetic moment much smaller than that of
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