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A boy got $$60$$ out of $$80$$ in Hindi, $$75$$ out of $$100$$ in English, and $$65$$ out of $$70$$ in Arithmetic. In which subject his percentage of marks the best? Also, find his overall percentage

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Marks obtained by a boy in Hindi out of $$80 = 60$$ marks

So, his percentage in Hindi $$= \dfrac{60 }{ 80} \times 100 = 600 / 8$$

$$= 75\%$$

Marks obtained by a boy in English out of $$100 = 75$$

So, his percentage in English $$= \dfrac{75 }{ 100} \times 100 = 75\%$$

Marks scored by a boy in Arithmetic out of $$70 = 65$$

So, his percentage in Arithmetic $$= \dfrac{65 }{ 70} \times 100 = 650 / 7$$


Clearly, it shows that he gets best marks in Arithmetic


Total marks of all the three subjects $$= 80 + 100 + 70$$

$$= 250$$ marks

Total marks obtained by a boy in all the three subjects $$= 60 + 75 + 60$$

$$= 200$$ marks

His overall percentage $$= \dfrac{200 }{ 250} \times 100 = 2000 / 25$$

$$= 80\%$$

Hence, the overall percentage of a boy is $$80\%$$

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