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Punctuate the following using capital letters wherever necessary:
my brother said to me you should not waste your time on sundays

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'My' begins the sentence and hence we must use a capital 'M'.
'My brother said to me' indicates that the given sentence is written in the direct speech. Hence, we must put a comma after 'said to me'.
The rest of the sentence must be written in the double inverted commas and it should end with a full stop as it is a simple sentence.
Also, 'Sundays' should begin with a capital 'S' as it is the name of a day.
Answer: My brother said to me, "You should not waste your time on Sundays."

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dear samir,

i am sending you a photograph of my newest pet frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy by next summer he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks i m sure you are looking forward to seeing him I know you will like him

warm regards

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