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When we touch a steel rod and a paper simultaneously, we feel that the rod is colder because:
  1. paper being a good conductor conducts more heat from our body
  2. iron being a good conductor conducts more heat from our body
  3. more heat flows from the paper to our body
  4. more heat flows from the iron to our body

more heat flows from the iron to our body
more heat flows from the paper to our body
iron being a good conductor conducts more heat from our body
paper being a good conductor conducts more heat from our body
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When we touch a steel rod and a paper simultaneously in winter, we feel the rod is comparatively colder because steel being a good conductor of heat, heat from our hand flows to steel but there is no transfer of heat from our hand to paper as it is an insulator of heat. So we don't feel cold when we touch a paper but we do when we touch a steel rod.

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