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In mammals and birds, why it is necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood?

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Double circulation:

  1. A mechanism in which blood circulates twice through the heart in one complete cycle is known as double circulation.
  2. Systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation are two pathways in which the blood flows in double circulation.
  3. The double circulation do not let the mixing or allow less mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood.
  4. Double circulation is present in birds and mammals.

Reason for the presence of double circulation:

  1. The circulatory system in birds and mammals consists of oxygenated and deoxydenated blood.
  2. However, they have a double circulation system where the oxygenated as well as deoxygenated blood remain separate.
  3. This is essential to maintain the body temperature efficiently over a wide range.
  4. As mammals and birds require to keep their body warm, they require a higher supply of oxygen.
  5. Thus, it is beneficial if the oxygenated blood remains separate as its mixing with deoxygenated blood can make the entire blood impure.

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