Explain the following principle of management:
(a) Science, not rule- of- thumb
(b) Discipline
The following are the principles of scientific management.
(a) Science, not a rule of thumb: Before Taylor developed the Principles of Management, Rule of Thumb was a widely used concept. Under rule of thumb, each manger handled a situation or problem as and when they arose using the trial and error method. It was an easily applicable process but was a very vague and inaccurate technique of determining solutions to the problems. Taylor fostered the introduction Scientific methods. He believed that for every work there is only one best method of doing it. He wanted managers to take decisions on the basis of logic and science rather than rule of thumb. He proposed that various traditional methods used by the managers should be studied and the best method/solution among them should be adopted and followed by all the managers in the organisation. With such scientific management he was able to increase efficiency to a large extent.
(b) Discipline: According to this principle of Fayol, an organisation must follow and ensure the conformity of a certain set of rules, regulations and policies. Here, it is necessary that the management has pre-defined set of rules which are in conformity with the employees. The principle of discipline is often said as a double-edged tool as it not only requires setting of rules and regulations but also ensures that these rules and policies are in conformation with the workers. Discipline is an important tool in management to achieve the organisational targets on time as working in discipline promotes working efficiency and avoids confusion and delays in work.