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$$18$$ is divisible by both $$2$$ and $$3$$. It is also divisible by $$2\times 3=6$$. Similarly, a number is divisible by both $$4$$ and $$6$$. Can we say that the number must also be divisible by $$4\times 6=24$$? If not, give an example to justify your answer.

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It is not necessary because $$12$$ and $$36$$ are divisible by $$4$$ and $$6$$ both, but are not divisible by $$24$$.

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18 is divisible by both 2 and 3.. It is also divisible by 2x3=6. Similarly, a number is divisble by 4 and 6. Can we say that the number must be divisible by 4x6=24? If not, give an example to justify your answer.

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