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A body shouts inside a deep well and hears the echo 0.4 s after shouting. if the speed of sound is 340 ms1 find the depth of the water level in the well :
  1. 78 m
  2. 68 m
  3. 88 m
  4. 58 m

78 m
88 m
68 m
58 m
Verified by Toppr

Let d be the distance of body from water level in well (depth of water level) , therefore total distance travelled by sound wave , =2d , as the wave comes back after reflection so the distance will be doubled .
Now given , v=340m/s,t=0.4s ,
therefore , by , total distance =velocity × total time
2d=v×t ,
or d=v×t/2=340×0.4/2=68m

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