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An electric dipole is placed in an electric field generated by a point charge.
  1. The net electric force on the dipole may be zero.
  2. The net electric force on the dipole must be zero.
  3. The torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero.
  4. The torque on the dipole due to field may be zero.

The net electric force on the dipole must be zero.
The net electric force on the dipole may be zero.
The torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero.
The torque on the dipole due to field may be zero.
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Generally the electric field due to the point charge is E=kq/r2 and dipole moment is p=qr
Force on the dipole is F=(p.)E0 always in this case.
Torque on the dipole τ=p×E
if the dipole moment and the electric field are parallel to each other, then the torque may be zero because pEsin0=0

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