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Area of a rectangle and the area of a circle are equal. If the dimensions of the rectangle are $$10\,cm \times 11\, cm$$, then radios of the circle is

$$21\, cm$$
$$7\, cm$$
$$10.5\, cm$$
$$14\, cm$$
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Correct option is D. $$7\, cm$$
Option (d) is correct.
Given, Length of rectangle $$=l=14 \,cm$$
Breadth of rectangle $$= b =11\,cm$$
Area of circle $$=$$ Area of rectangle
$$\Rightarrow \pi r^2 = l\times b$$
$$\Rightarrow \dfrac {22}{7}\times r^2 = 14\times 11$$
$$\Rightarrow r^2 =\dfrac {14\times 11\times 7}{22}$$
$$\Rightarrow r^2 =\sqrt {49}$$
$$ \Rightarrow r= 7\, cm$$
Therefore, $$7\, cm$$ is the radius of the circle.

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