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Briefly explain the process of the unification of Germany.

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Process of the unification of Germany are as follows:
1. Till 19th century , Germany was divided into many small independent kingdoms. once, they were part of the Holy Roman Empire.
2. In 1606 CE, France ruler, Napolean Bonaparte conquered these and formed Rhine Confederation with 39 kingdoms. For the first time, these kingdoms were ruled under one crown.
3. Vienna Congress, after the fall of Napolean revived the kingdoms as earlier.
4. A customs union called Zolloverein formulated some trade rules for free trade, economic cooperation in these kingdoms. It created a feeling of unity in Germans. This economic cooperation is the first step enrouted to political unity and Unification of Germany.
5. Prussia, the biggest in German kindoms, its ruler, william I, chancellor Bismarck made possible the Unification of Germany with three battles in seven years.
6. He made every citizen to join compulsory military service. He strengthened the military power. He isolated Austria, Holland and France with plotted diplomatic policy and defeated.

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