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Change to simple sentence, the beginning is given for you:
It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.
The weather is __________.
  1. The weather was expected to be good tomorrow.
  2. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.
  3. The weather has been expected that it will be good tomorrow.
  4. The weather is expected that it will be good tomorrow.

The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.
The weather was expected to be good tomorrow.
The weather has been expected that it will be good tomorrow.
The weather is expected that it will be good tomorrow.
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A simple sentence consists of only one clause.

A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses which are connected by the coordinated conjunctions.

A complex sentence consists of at least one independent and at least one dependent clause.

A simple sentence can be converted into a complex sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a complex sentence.

Asimple sentence can be converted into acompound sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a clause and by using a coordinating conjunction to connect the clauses.

The correct answer is A)The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.

Option A is correct as the same tense is used (simple present tense) and it is replaced by 'weather'.

The other options are wrong as was , has been, and will be can't be used.

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