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Choose the option with correct punctuation for the given sentence:
why did you come late to school on monday
  1. Why did you come late to School on Monday!
  2. Why did you come late to school on monday.
  3. Why did you come late to school on Monday?
  4. Why did you come late, to school on Monday?

Why did you come late, to school on Monday?
Why did you come late to School on Monday!
Why did you come late to school on Monday?
Why did you come late to school on monday.
Verified by Toppr

Option C: The given sentence is interrogative as it begins with the question word 'why' and intends to ask a question. Hence the correctly punctuated form is seen in option C, as it begins with a capital letter 'W' and ends with a question mark '?'.
Option A: A comma is used to separate clauses and phrases. A comma also separates words (from other words or the sentence on the whole) that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. The given sentence does not require a comma, because "to school on Monday" is an essential part, without which the meaning of the sentence is incomplete. Hence A is incorrect.
Option B: The error lies in the capitilization of school: 'School' and the exclamation mark '!'. 'School' is a common noun and does not begin with a capital letter.
The given sentence is interrogative (?) and not exclamatory (!). Exclamatory sentences express shock, surprise or wish. Hence B is incorrect.
Option D: Declarative or imperative sentences end with a full stop '.' Such sentences declare something or make a request or command. They do not ask questions. Hence option D is not punctuated correctly.

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