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Closure property is satisfied in whole numbers w.r.t. to ......... and ......... .
  1. addition and division
  2. addition and subtraction
  3. addition and multiplication
  4. multiplication and division.

addition and subtraction
addition and division
multiplication and division.
addition and multiplication
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Closure property for addition :

If a and b are two whole numbers and their sum is c, i.e. a+b=c, then c is will always a whole number.
For any two whole numbers a and b, (a+b) is also a whole number. For example:

3+4=7 which is also a whole number.

But 34=1 which is not a whole number.

So, the property of closure for subtraction is not always true.

Closure property for multiplication :

If a and b are whole numbers then their multiplication is also a whole number.

For any two whole numbers a and b, (a×b) is also a whole number.For example:

30×7=210 which is also a whole number.

But property of closure is not always true for division. For example:

45÷0= not defined
As division with zero is not possible.

Hence, closure property is satisfied in whole numbers w.r.t. to addition and multiplication.

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