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Column-I Column-II
i. Endemic p. Towards extinction
ii. Extinct q. The originating of new forms
iii. Endangered r. Restricted to a region
iv. Evolution s. A species out of sight
Match the terms in Column - I with those in Column - II correctly.
  1. i - r, ii - s, iii - p, iv - q
  2. i - p, ii - q, iii - r, iv - s
  3. i - s, ii - r, iii - q, iv - p
  4. i - q, ii - p, iii - r, iv - s

i - r, ii - s, iii - p, iv - q
i - q, ii - p, iii - r, iv - s
i - p, ii - q, iii - r, iv - s
i - s, ii - r, iii - q, iv - p
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I. A species whose habitat is restricted to a particular area is known as endemic species.
II. A species that has died out and hence is out of site is called extinct species.
III. A species which is less in number and can be extinct in near future is called endangered species.
IV. The origin and development of new life form on earth is called evolution.
Thus the correct answer is option A.

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ii. Extinct q. The originating of new forms
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