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Consider the following two statements A and B. Identify the correct answer.
A) The quantity e2ϵ0ch is dimensionless.
B) 1μ0ϵ0
has the dimensions of velocity and is numerically equal of velocity of light.
  1. B is true but A is false
  2. A is true but B is false
  3. Both A and B are false
  4. Both A and B are true

Both A and B are true
A is true but B is false
B is true but A is false
Both A and B are false
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Dimensions of permittivity ϵ0: A2T4M1L3
Dimensions of e2 : A2T2
Dimensions of c : LT1
Dimensions of h : ML2T1
Therefore, dimensions of the given expression:
A2T2(A2T4M1L3)×(LT1)×(ML2T1)=1 which is dimensionless.

Hence, Statement A is true.
In statement B, the expression given is for the speed of light.Hence, it has dimensions of velocity.

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