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Convert the following into a simple sentence:
It is expected that the company will lose money this year. [Advanced]
  1. The company is expected to lose money this year
  2. The company was expected to lose money this year.
  3. This year the company will loose money is expected.
  4. This year it is expected that the company will loose money.

The company is expected to lose money this year
The company was expected to lose money this year.
This year it is expected that the company will loose money.
This year the company will loose money is expected.
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There are three ways a sentence can be written-

1) Simple sentence- A simple sentence is made up of only one clause. It is made up of a subject, verb and a completed thought.

2) Compound Sentence- A compound sentence consists of two or main clauses which are joined using a coordinating conjunction ( for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

3) Complex Sentence - A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Therefore, subordinating conjunctions are used before a dependent clause. Some of the most common subordinating conjunctions include after, although, as ,before,while, wherever, whereas,unless, until,though, when, since, even though,if, since, because.

The correct answer is A)The company is expected to lose money this year.

Option C is correct as the given sentence is a complex sentence and to convert it into a simple sentence, the dependent clause is contracted to a word or phrase(The company is expected to).

The other options are wrong as was, will, and this year it is cannot be used.

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