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Draw a line segment PQ= 8 cm. Construct the perpendicular bisector of the line segment PQ. Let the perpendicular bisector drawn meets PQ at point R. Measure the length of PR and QR. Is PR=QR?

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Steps of Construction :
1. With P and Q as centers, draw arcs on both sides of PQ with equal radii. The radius should be more than half the length of PQ.
2. Let these arcs cut each other at points R and RS
3. Join RS which cuts PQ at D. Then RS=PQ. Also POR=90.
Hence, the line segment RS is the perpendicular bisector of PQ as it bisects PQ at P and is also perpendicular to PQ. On measuring the lengths of PR=4cm, QR=4 cm Since PR=QR, both are 4cm each


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