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Draw an angle and label it as $$ \angle BAC.$$ Construct another angle, equal to $$ \angle BAC.$$

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Steps of construction:

Step 1: Draw any angle $$BAC$$.

Now will construct an angle equal to $$∠BAC$$.

Step 2: Draw a line segment $$QR$$.

Step 3: Draw an arc that intersects $$∠BAC$$ at $$E$$ and $$D$$ using $$A$$ as a center and choose any radius.

Step 4: With the same measurements (as in step 3), Draw an arc from point $$Q$$.

Step 5: With $$S$$ as center and radius equal to $$DE$$, draw an arc which intersects the previous arc at $$T$$.

Step 6: Join $$Q$$ and $$T$$.
$$\angle PQR$$ is our new angle equal to $$\angle BAC$$

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