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Explain how, it would benefit deep sea divers if humans also had gills.

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  • Giils are the respiratory organs that are used for breathing underwater. They are used by fishes and various aquatic organisms. If humans had gills instead of lungs for breathing underwater the first thing that would do is allow humans to remain for more time instead of the water without having the need to come back to the surface to get oxygen or without having to worry about if the oxygen in the oxygen cylinder is adequate.
  • Gills allow the arteries to take up oxygen from the water by a countercurrent mechanism which is present between the gills and the blood vessels present near the gills this is how fishes take up the required oxygen. If the human had gills then they would have less usage of lungs while they are in the water. Gaseous exchange can simply take place in the arteries near the gills which will take the blood with oxygen in the lungs from where it can be transferred to various organs.
  • Having gills will benefit the deep sea divers as they would be able to dive too long depth in the sea and it will provide them with time to continue exploration.
  • Though it would benefit the divers and all but this will not allow human to permanently reside in water as the other organs of the human body especially the skin etc would not be developed or mutated to reside under water.

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