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Explain this statement "No other planet except earth fulfil the condition necessary for life."

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Beacuase, Life is only found on Earth for a couple of reasons.We know that life requires sun, moderate temperatures, water, and certain chemical elements like carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. No other planet has temperatures like Earth that are not too hot and not too cold. Also, no other planet has water like Earth has. Scientists have found that other planets have ice but no liquid water. Finally, Earth has the right mix of chemicals that are required for life.
Actually there's something called the "habitable zone" or "Goldilocks Zone". It's a zone that every star has, and in it, provided water on the object (let's call it X object for the sake of comfort), the conditions (temperature from the star radiation, etc.) will be just perfect for life on X to start.
Earth is not the only planet that has life. there are other planets that people have discovered that is the right distance from their star and has oxygen. earth is the only planet that has been proved to have life. the others can hold life we just cant prove they actually have life. Some planets like Pluto have ice and water, their just to far from the sun to have life. some planets have oxygen in their atmosphere but their too close to their sun to provide.
Lets take examples from our very own solar sytem. There may be life on Mars. We don't yet know for certain that there isn't. Right now, life as we know it would not survive anywhere except Earth or Mars, and possibly Europa (in our solar system). Life requires liquid water. Europa (one of Jupiters moons) has a muck of mud some hundreds of kilometers below the ice that has water in it, and there might be life there. Equatorial regions of Mars get above freezing for parts of the year, and while the Martian atmosphere is too thin to sustain liquid water on the surface, the pressure is great enough underground, and muddy slurries of landslides from subsurface water have been observed. Earth of course has oceans of the stuff. It all has to do with pressure and temperature for water. Now, whether there is life there or not, that we aren't sure of.
I believe that we cannot be the only planet in the Universe that has life, because there is a billion billion galaxy in the Universe, each containing a hundred million billion stars with hundred million billion habitable zones and a gazillion objects in the habitable zone.

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