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Given below is the bar graph indicating the marks obtained out of $$50$$ in mathematics paper by $$100$$ students. Read the bar graph and answer the following questions:
It is decided to distribute work books on mathematics to the students obtaining less than $$20$$ marks, giving one workbook to each of such students. If a work book costs Rs. $$5$$, what sum is required to buy the work books?

Rs. $$195$$
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Correct option is A. Rs. $$195$$
Let us prepare a chart of the $$100$$ students using the data from the bar graph.
Marks Number of Students
$$0 − 9$$ $$27$$
$$10 − 19$$ $$12$$
$$20 − 29$$ $$20$$
$$30 − 39$$ $$24$$
$$40 − 49$$ $$17$$
Number of students with less than $$20$$ marks $$= 27 + 12 = 39$$
$$\therefore\,$$ Required sum to buy the workbooks $$=\ Rs. 5 \times 39 =\ Rs. 195$$

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Given below (Fig. 23.11) is the bar graphic indicating the marks obtained out of 50 in mathematics paper by 100 students. Read the bar graph and answer the following questions.

(i) It is decided to distribute work books on mathematics to the students obtaining less than 20 marks, giving one workbook to each of such students. If a work book costs Rs. 5, what sum is required to buy the work books?

(ii) Every student belonging to the highest mark group is entitled to get a prize of Rs. 10. How much amount of money is required for distributing the prize money?

(iii) Every student belonging to the lowest mark-group has to solve 5 problems per day. How many problems, in all, will be solved by the students of this group per day?

(iv) State whether true or false.
(a) 17% students have obtained marks ranging from 40 to 49.
(b) 59% students have obtained marks ranging from 10 to 29.

(v) What is the number of students getting less than 20 marks?

(vi) What is the number of students getting more than 29 marks?

(vii) What is the number of students getting marks between 9 and 40?

(viii) What is the number of students belonging to the highest mark group?

(ix) What is the number of students obtaining more than 19 marks?
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Given below (Fig. 23.11) is the bar graph indicating the marks obtained out of 50 in mathematics paper by 100 students. Read the bar graph and answer the following questions:

(i) It is decided to distribute work books on mathematics to the students obtaining less then 20 marks, giving one workbook to each of such students. If a work book costs Rs. 5, what sum is required to buy the work books?
(ii) Every student belonging to the highest mark group is entitled to get a prize of Rs. 10.
How much amount of money is required for distributing the prize money?
(iii) Every student belonging to the lowest mark-group has to solve 5 problems per day. How many problem, in all, will be solved by the students of this group per day?
(iv) State whether true of false.
(a) 17% students have obtained marks ranging from 40 to 49.
(b) 59 students have obtained marks ranging from 10 to 29.
(v) What is the number of students getting less than 20 marks?
(vi) What is the number of students getting more than 29 marks?
(vii) What is the number of students getting marks between 9 and 40?
(viii) What is the number of students belonging to the highest mark group?
(ix) What is the number of students obtaining more than 19 marks?
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Marks obtained out of 100 in mathematics paper by 100 students are given in the following table:

Represent the information by a bar graph and answer the following questions:

Every student getting the highest marks is entitled to get a prize of Rs10. How much money is required for distributing the prizes?

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Marks obtained out of 100 in mathematics paper by 100 students are given in the following table:

Represent the information by a bar graph and answer the following questions:

Students obtaining the lowest marks have to solve five problems per day. How many problems in all will be solved by the students per day?

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The marks (out of 10) obtained by 28 students in a mathematics test are listed here:
8,1,2,6,5,5,5,0,1,9,7,8,0,5,8,3,0,8,10,10,3,4,8,7,8,9,2,0 The number of students who obtained marks more than or equal to 5 is __________.

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