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How do you write $$14.05$$ billion in scientific notation?

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"Billion" is a number with nine zeros behind it
So, we can move the decimal point (for the given $$14.05$$ billion) to the right nine times to see the number fully written out as:
$$14.05$$ billion = $$14,050,000,000$$
In scientific notation, this number would be written in a more simplified form than writing out all those zeros in the following way:
$$14,050,000,000 = 14.05\times10^{9}$$ So this is the number of billions.
However, the rule for scientific form is that the number before the decimal point must be a non-zero number less than $$10$$. In other words, there may only be one digit before the point.
The decimal point must be moved yet another place to the left to give $$1.405\times10^{10}$$
Multiplying, $$1$$ billion "times" $$14.05$$ gives us $$14.05$$ billion
or $$14,050,000,000$$

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