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Identify personification in the given sentence:
As he parked on the crowded street, his rusty car kissed the bumper of a Rolls Royce.
  1. crowded street
  2. rusty car
  3. car kissed the bumper
  4. Rolls Royce

rusty car
crowded street
car kissed the bumper
Rolls Royce
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Personification is a figure of speech, in which inanimate objects or abstract ideas are given human-like qualities; they're spoken of as if they're human beings. For example, "Opportunity knocks at the door but once", opportunity is an abstract idea that is spoken of as if it has hands to knock with. In the given sentence, "car kissed the bumper" is a personification, because the car is given a human quality, hence option C is correct. "Crowded street" describes a street, "rusty car" describes a car and "Rolls Royce" is the name of a car (company). Hence they do not function as personification and options A, B and D are incorrect.

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