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Identify the participle phrase in the following sentence:
Shouting with happiness, William celebrated his chance to interview at Toppr.
  1. Willaim celebrated
  2. to interview at Toppr
  3. Shouting with happiness
  4. his chance

Willaim celebrated
his chance
Shouting with happiness
to interview at Toppr
Verified by Toppr

The correct option is A Shouting with happiness
A participle is that form of the verb which partakes of the nature both of a Verb and of an Adjective.
A participle phrase will begin with a present or past participle. If the participle is present, it will dependably end in ing. Likewise a regular past participle will end in a consistent ed.
Since, all phrases require two or more words, a participle phrase will often include objects and/or modifiers that complete the thought.
Participle phrases always function as adjectives,adding description to the sentence.
In this case,
Option A is correct. The present participle phrase, 'Shouting with happiness' describes the noun 'William'.
Option B is incorrect as 'celebrated' is a verb.
Options C and D are incorrect as they don't contain any participle in them.

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