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Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in the following sentence:
The pitcher for the soda is in the dishwasher.
  1. is in the
  2. the pitcher
  3. for the soda
  4. in the dishwasher

in the dishwasher
the pitcher
for the soda
is in the
Verified by Toppr

Prepositional phrases are a group of words containing preposition which lacks either a verb or a subject. Such phrases always have two basic parts: object and preposition. Prepositions are mostly followed by objects.
Using options C and D will justify all the above rules. 'For the soda' is a prepositional phrase as 'for' is the preposition and 'soda' is the object. Similarly, 'in the dishwater' is also a prepositional phrase as 'in' is the preposition and 'dishwater' is the object.
Options B and A are not prepositional phrases.
Thus, options C and D are the correct answers.

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