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Identify the type of adjective highlighted in the given sentence:
The organization will not tolerate such behavior.
  1. Distributive numeral adjective
  2. Indefinite numeral adjective
  3. Demonstrative adjective
  4. Adjective of quantity

Adjective of quantity
Distributive numeral adjective
Demonstrative adjective
Indefinite numeral adjective
Verified by Toppr

Option B: Demonstrative adjectives indicate proximity of an object (this, that). They are especially helpful when you want to make it clear what type of noun (behaviour) you are talking about.
'Such' is a demonstrative adjective, because it modifies the noun by pointing out at a particular type of behaviour.
Hence option B is correct.
Option A: These adjectives denote a singular number of noun among many. For e.g. 'everything turned out to be a lie.'
The given sentence does not refer to any number, or amount.
Option C: Indefinite numeral adjectives indicate an unknown number or amount, e.g. 'A few students were absent'. The noun behaviour cannot be described by number or amount.
Option D: Similarly, adjective of quantity tells the number or amount of something.
Hence options A, C and D are incorrect.

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