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In a game at a fair, a player earns $$Rs. 30$$ on winning the game and has to pay $$Rs. 50$$ on losing the game. Vihaan played the game $$9$$ times and won $$6$$ times. How much amount does he earn ?

$$Rs. 330$$
$$Rs. 30$$
$$Rs. 230$$
$$Rs. 10$$
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Correct option is C. $$Rs. 30$$
Winning Amount $$ = Rs. 30$$
Losing Amount $$ = Rs. 50$$

Total games played $$ = 9 $$
Games Won $$ = 6 $$
Games lose $$ = 9 - 6 = 3 $$

$$\therefore $$ Amount of money he earned
$$ = 6 \times 30 - 3 \times 50 $$
$$= Rs. (180 - 150) $$
$$ = Rs. 30 $$

Option (A) is the correct answer.

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