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In a school out of 300 students, 70% are girls and 30% are boys. If 30 girls leave And no new boy admitted what is the new percentage of girls in the school

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Number of children in a school $$= 300$$
Number of a boys $$= 30 \% \ of\ 300 $$
we can write it as
$$ \dfrac{30}{100} \times 300 $$
$$= 90$$
Number of girls in the school$$= 70 \% \ of\ 300$$
We can write it as
$$ \dfrac{70}{100} \times 300 $$
$$= 210 $$
Number of girls left $$ = 30$$
Number of girls still in the school$$=210-30=180$$
Total number of student $$=180+90=270$$
$$percentage\ of\ girls=\dfrac{180}{270}\times 100$$

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