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Is there any natural number that has no predecessor?

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$$\textbf{Step 1: Checking for the smallest natural number.}$$
$$\text{The range of natural numbers is from 1 to infinity}$$
$$\therefore$$ $$ \text{The smallest natural number is 1.}$$

$$\textbf{Step 2: Checking for the predecessor of 1}$$
$$\text{The predecessor of 1 i.e. } 1 - 1 = 0$$
$$\text{But 0 is a whole number and not a natural number}$$
$$\therefore \text{1 is a Natural number that has no predecessor.}$$

$$\textbf{Yes, there is a natural number that has no predecessor, which is 1.}$$

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(i) Every whole number has its successor.
(ii) Every whole number has its predecessor.
(iii) 0 is the smallest natural number.
(iv) 1 is the smallest whole number.
(v) 0 is less than every natural number.
(vi) Between any two whole numbers there is a whole number.
(vii) Between any two non-consecutive whole numbers there is a whole number.
(viii) The smallest 5-digit number is the successor of the largest 4 digit number
(ix) Of the given two natural numbers, the one having more digits is greater.
(x) The predecessor of a two digit number cannot be a single digit number.
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(xii) If a and b are whole numbers and a<b, then a+1< b+1.
(xiii) The whole number 1 has 0 as predecessor.
(xiv) The natural number 1 has no predecessor.
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