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( muwve 6. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. 1x4 = 4 Error Correction Walt Disney was our hero. He was is left me a legacy that can be enjoy time and again. He knew who to entertain us so well. He developed a process in creating animated films.

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The following paragraph has not been edited There is one error in each line Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

Walt Disney was our hero. He e.g. ​ was is

left me a legacy that can (a) _________ __________

be enjoy time and again. He (b) _________ __________

knew who to entertain us so well. (c) _________ ___________

He developed a process in (d) _________ ___________

creating animated films.
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Q. The following paragraph has not been edited. There as one error in each line Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

eg Error Correction
5. Man has learn to communicate in a __________ ___________
6. Variety off ways. There are examples of __________ ___________
7. Communities uses whistles or tunes to ___________ ____________
8. Express the ideas without bringing in words at all. ___________ ____________

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Solve this.

​Q5. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error as well as the correction as shown in the example.
Error Correction

In the prisoner's room a candle is e.g is was
burning dimly. A prisoner himself (a) ____________ ___________
sat by the table. Only him back. (b) ____________ ____________
the hair by his head, and his (c) ____________ ____________
hands are visible from outside (d) ____________ ____________
through any window. (e) _____________ ____________
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The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.
Error Correction
There is some truth in a common
saying that dogs became attached to
persons, cats are general attached to
places. A dog will follow their
master anywhere so a cat keeps
to the house it _was used to. Even
then the house changes hands, the
eat will remain here, as long as
that is kindly treated by the new owners.
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he following paragraph has not been edited there is 1 error in in line identify the error and write it along with them (as shown below) . error correction

Portia begs Shylock to be merciful eg. begs begged

just as the duke had did "Mercy" 'she _________ ________

said in a noble speech ,"bring a blessing __________ ____________

to him who shows it but to him who ___________ _________

receives it.

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