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Select the correct option:
Given is the ultrastructure of an animal cell. Identify the parts marked as A,B,C and D.

  1. Plasma membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondrian, Golgi complex
  2. Plasma membrane, Vacuole, Mitochondrian, Golgi complex
  3. Cell wall, Nucleus, Mitochondrion, RER
  4. Cell wall, Vacuole, Chloroplast, Golgi complex

Cell wall, Vacuole, Chloroplast, Golgi complex
Cell wall, Nucleus, Mitochondrion, RER
Plasma membrane, Vacuole, Mitochondrian, Golgi complex
Plasma membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondrian, Golgi complex
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  • Plasma membrane or cell membrane is present in both animal and plant cell but in plants, it is quite rigid while in the animal it is flexible. It is made up of a phospholipid bilayer and molecules such as proteins.
  • The nucleus is a spherical- shape body encompassing a nucleolus, chromosomes with DNA, nucleoplasm and some other organelles, all of them are surrounded by a nuclear membrane.
  • Mitochondria are double membrane-bound cells present in the cytoplasm.
  • Golgi complex these are piles of flattened sacs. The main function of these complex is to receive the proteins synthesized in the ER and transform it into more complex proteins.
  • So, the correct answer is " Plasma membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Golgi complex ".

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