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Select the option that correctly punctuates the given line:
Will you accompany me for breakfast
  1. Will you accompany me for breakfast!
  2. Will you accompany me for breakfast?
  3. Will you accompany me for breakfast.
  4. Will you accompany me for breakfast,

Will you accompany me for breakfast!
Will you accompany me for breakfast.
Will you accompany me for breakfast,
Will you accompany me for breakfast?
Verified by Toppr

Option A - As the given sentence is a question, we can't use an exclamation mark. Thus option A is incorrect.
Option C - As the given sentence is an interrogatory sentence, we can't put a full stop here. Thus option C is incorrect.
Option D - A sentence never ends with a comma. Thus option D is incorrect.
Option B - As the given sentence is an interrogatory sentence, we should put a question mark at the end. Thus option B is the correct answer.
'Will you accompany me for breakfast?'

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