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Select the sentence with correct punctuation marks.
I found mitas lost bag.
  1. I found Mita's lost bag.
  2. I found Mita's lost bag?
  3. I Found Mita's Lost Bag.
  4. I found Mitas lost bag!

I found Mitas lost bag!
I found Mita's lost bag.
I Found Mita's Lost Bag.
I found Mita's lost bag?
Verified by Toppr

Option B - All the words in the given sentence are not proper nouns and hence only 'Mita's' should have a capital 'M'. Thus option B is incorrect.
Option C - 'Mitas' is incorrect, as to show someone's possession we use an apostrophe and an 'S'. For example, 'Rahul's office is neat and clean.' Also, the sentence is a simple sentence and not an exclamatory sentence. Hence, option C is incorrect.
Option D - The given sentence is not a question and hence we can't use a question mark here. Thus option D is incorrect.
Option A - 'Mita's' is used appropriately to show the ownership of her 'lost bag'. Also, the sentence ends with a full stop. Hence, option A is the correct answer,
'I found Mita's lost bag.'

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