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The Bhakti literature by the Nayanars and Alvars.
  1. Stressed the rigidities of traditional rituals
  2. Opposed the practice of image worship
  3. Preached personal devotion of God as a means of salvation
  4. Advocated the austerities preached by the Buddhists and Jains

Stressed the rigidities of traditional rituals
Advocated the austerities preached by the Buddhists and Jains
Opposed the practice of image worship
Preached personal devotion of God as a means of salvation
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Nayanars and Alvars saints led the bhakti movement in south India. They preached ardent love of Shiva (by Nayanars) or Vishnu(by Alvars) as the path of salvation. They were sharply critical of Buddhists and Jainas. They were against the rigidity of rituals followed by the people. They stressed on devotion and love.

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The Bhakti literature by the Nayanars and Alvars.
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