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The clear sky appears blue because:
  1. blue light gets absorbed in the atmosphere.
  2. ultraviolet radiations are absorbed in the atmosphere.
  3. violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere.
  4. light of all other colours is scattered more than the violet and blue colour lights by the atmosphere.

blue light gets absorbed in the atmosphere.
violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere.
ultraviolet radiations are absorbed in the atmosphere.
light of all other colours is scattered more than the violet and blue colour lights by the atmosphere.
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The scattering of light depends on the size of the dust particles and the wavelength of the light. The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength.
Since, violet and blue lights get scattered more than lights of all other colours by the atmosphere the sky appears blue.

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