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The following is the record of goals scored by team A in a football session :
No. of goals scored01234
No. of matches 19753
For the team B mean number of goals scored per match was 2 with a standard
deviation 1.25 goals. Find which team may be considered more consistent ?

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xi fifixi x2i fix2i
0 1 0 0 0
1 9 9 1 9
2 7 14 428
3 5 15 9 45
4 3 12 16 48
Total 25 50

Given mean of team B=2
Mean of both the teams is same.

The standard deviation of team B is 1.25 goals
The average number of goals scored by both the teams is same i.e.2. Therefore, the team with lower standard deviation will be more consistent
Thus team A is more consistent than team B.

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The following is the record of goals scored by team A in a football session:

No. of goals scored01234No. of matches19753

For the team B, mean number of goals scored per match was 2 with standard deviation 1.25 goals. Find which team may be considered more consistent?

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The following is the record of goals scored by team A in a football session :

No. of goals scored01234No. of matches19753

For the team B, mean number of goals scored per match was 2 with a standard deviation 1.25 goals. Find which team may be considered more consistent ?

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The following is the record of goals scored by team A in a football session:

No. of goals scored






No. of matches






For the team B, mean number of goals scored per match was 2 with a standard

deviation 1.25 goals. Find which team may be considered more consistent?

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