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Which characteristic is not the adaptation of animals to protect themselves from extremely cold weather?
  1. A thick coat of furr
  2. A thick layer of fat
  3. Hibernation
  4. A thin layer of hair

A thin layer of hair
A thick coat of furr
A thick layer of fat
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  • All living organisms have the ability to adjust and adapt according to their surroundings.
  • Animals living in extremely cold climatic conditions have to protect themselves from the cold weather. So they have a thick layer of fur over them. As the layer of fur blocks the cold air and prevents it from reaching the animal's body, it will protect them against cold.
  • Similarly, a thick layer of fat over their body also causes insulation and protects the animal from extreme cold. So, both of these are adaptations against cold.
  • Most of the animals exhibit a period of inactivation, where they are in a state of dormancy. Hibernation is the state of inactivity in winter to avoid cold temperatures.
  • All these 3 options are characteristics of animals for adapting themselves against extreme cold.
  • A thin layer of hair over their bodies will not provide enough protection against environmental cold and so it is not a characteristic that protects them.

So the correct answer is option C.

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