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Which of the following shows correct pairing for salivary glands in man?
  1. Parotid Wharton's duct ; Submaxillary Duct of Stensen ; Sublingual Duct of Rivinus
  2. Parotid Duct of Rivinus ; Submaxillary Wharton's duct ; Subligual Duct of Stensen
  3. Parotid Duct of Rivinus ; Submaxillary Wharton's duct ; Sublingual Duct of Stensen
  4. Parotid Duct of Stensen ; Sub maxillary Wharton's duct ; Sublingual Duct of Rivinus

Parotid Wharton's duct ; Submaxillary Duct of Stensen ; Sublingual Duct of Rivinus
Parotid Duct of Rivinus ; Submaxillary Wharton's duct ; Subligual Duct of Stensen
Parotid Duct of Stensen ; Sub maxillary Wharton's duct ; Sublingual Duct of Rivinus
Parotid Duct of Rivinus ; Submaxillary Wharton's duct ; Sublingual Duct of Stensen
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The salivary juice from the glands to the oral cavity moves through the salivary duct. The parotid gland and the buccal mucosa is connected by the parotid duct (stensen duct). Submandibular duct (Wharton duct) connects the submandibular gland to the floor of the mouth. The sublingual gland drains through numerous small ducts all of which open into the floor of the mouth and are collectively termed the duct of Rivinus.
So, the correct answer is 'Parorid Duct of stensen, sub maxillary Wharton's duct; sublingual Duct of rivinus

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