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Why do we see a rainbow in the sky only after rainfall?
  1. The water droplets behave like prism and reflects sunlight.
  2. The water droplets behave like convex lens and disperses sunlight.
  3. The water droplets behave like prism and disperses sunlight.
  4. The water droplets behave like concave lens and disperses sunlight.

The water droplets behave like convex lens and disperses sunlight.
The water droplets behave like prism and disperses sunlight.
The water droplets behave like concave lens and disperses sunlight.
The water droplets behave like prism and reflects sunlight.
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After a shower of rain, rain drops are suspended in air and when a ray of light enters this drop, the drop acts as a prism and splits into its component colors as dispersion takes place. Lights of different colours emerge from the rain drops such as red at the top and violet at the bottom. Thus, a rainbow is formed.

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