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Wood of Gymnosperms is composed of
  1. Only tracheids in the xylem
  2. Only vessels and xylem parenchyma
  3. Only fibres and xylem parenchyma
  4. Only fibres and vessels

Only vessels and xylem parenchyma
Only tracheids in the xylem
Only fibres and xylem parenchyma
Only fibres and vessels
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The tracheids, long cells, that conduct water primarily through openings in their side walls are an integral part of gymnosperms. Most gymnosperms possess only tracheids in their xylem. So, the correct answer is option A.

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The water conducting tissue generally present in gymnosperm is

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Column IColumn IIA. Xylem vessels1. Store food materialsB. Xylem tracheids2. Obliterated lumenC. Xylem fibre3. Perforated platesD. Xylem parenchyma4. Chisellike ends
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List I List II
A Xylem vessels 1 Store food materials
B Xylem tracheids 2 Obliterated lumen
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(a) Xylem transports water and minerals
(b) Gymnosperms lack sieve tubes and companion cells in phloem
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Match and find the correct option
(a)Tracheids(i)Cells possess highly thickened walls with oblilateral central lumen
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