
What is Equity Shares?

Equity Share Meaning

An equity share, also known as an ordinary share, is fractional ownership that commences the maximum entrepreneurial obligation associated with a trading firm. Let us study what is equity shares in detail.

what is equity shares

Equity Shares Capital Characteristics

  • The corporation retains its equity share capital. It is only refunded once the company has been closed down. Equity shareholders, who also have voting rights, choose the company’s management.
  • The dividend rate on equity capital is determined by the availability of excess capital. The dividend rate on equity capital, on the other hand, is not written in stone.

Different Types of Equity Shares

  • Authorized Share Capital
  • Issued Share Capital
  • Subscribed Share Capital
  • Paid Up Capital
  • Right Share
  • Bonus Share
  • Sweat Equity Share

The Workings of Shareholder Equity

Shareholders’ equity is a measure of how much a company’s owners have put into it, either financially or through keeping earnings over time.

Shareholder Equity Formula and Calculation

Shareholders’ Equity = Total Assets – Total Liabilities

Shareholder Equity’s Components

  • Outstanding Shares
  • Additional Paid-in Capital
  • Retained Earnings
  • Treasury Stock

Equity in Other Forms

A few typical equity versions are shown below:

  • A stock or other security that represents a company’s ownership stake.
  • On a balance sheet, the amount of capital provided by the owners or shareholders plus the retained earnings (or losses).
  • The difference between the value of securities in a margin account and the amount borrowed from the brokerage in margin trading.

When a company goes bankrupt and needs to liquidate, equity refers to the money left over after creditors have been paid.

The term “private equity” refers to a type of investment.

The term “private equity” refers to the assessment of enterprises that are not publicly listed. The word “private equity” relates to the evaluation of non-publicly traded companies. The accounting equation still holds valid, with declared equity on the balance sheet being the amount left over after subtracting liabilities from assets to arrive at a net asset value.

Private equity financing comes in a variety of forms.

The amount of equity in a home is calculated by subtracting the mortgage debt outstanding from the total value of the property.

A company’s brand can generate intrinsic value over time as a result of years of promotion and the growth of a client base. This is known as “brand equity,” and it relates to the value of a brand against a generic or store-brand version of the same product.

Return on Equity vs. Equity

The return on equity (ROE) statistic is calculated by dividing net income by shareholder equity. Return on equity (ROE) is a financial term that describes how much profit a company makes from its shareholders’ money.

What other terminology do people use to describe equity?

Shareholders’ equity, book value, and net asset value are all words that are occasionally used to define this notion. The particular definitions of these phrases may vary depending on the context, but they typically relate to the value of an investment that remains after paying off all of the responsibilities connected with that investment.

How do investors utilize equity?

For investors, equity is a crucial notion. For example, while evaluating a firm, an investor can use shareholders’ equity as a criterion to determine if a certain acquisition price is too high. An investor, on the other hand, may feel safe purchasing shares in a somewhat poor company if the price paid is sufficiently low about the company’s equity.

Benefits of Equity Shares Capital

  • ES (equity shares) does not generate a sense of responsibility or accountability to pay a preset rate of dividend • ES may be circulated without imposing any additional expenses on an enterprise’s assets
  • There is a risk, or a liability overcapitalization, as equity capital cannot be reclaimed • The management can face hindrances by the equity shareholders by guidance and systematizing themselves • When the firm earns more profits, higher dividends must be paid, resulting in a rise in the share value.

What’s the difference between common stock and preferred stock?



Common stock Preferred stock
Management Participation in Management Does not have the power to vote on management decisions.


Has the ability to influence managerial decisions.


Right to Vote


No right to vote


Have the ability to vote




Before the equity share, get priority.


Gets the second choice after preference share.


The dividend Rate on Preference Shares and Equity Shares is set.

What are the most important financial management goals?

(a) Increase shareholder wealth (b) Obtain adequate funds at the lowest feasible cost (c) Make the best use of obtained money (d) Ensure investment safety (e) Achieve a solid capital structure

Capital Structure Concept

Capital structure has a specific meaning.

  • The capital structure is made up of a combination of owner money (equity) and borrowed funds (Debt).
  • Having more debt exposes you to higher dangers, but it also boosts your profitability by lowering your costs. As a result, while keeping risk in mind, more debt should be added to the capital structure.
  • As a consequence, a company’s risk and return should be optimized, and a capital structure that maximizes shareholder value should be chosen.

It expresses the degree of risk associated with the price changes of an investment.

  • Total Capital = Debt + Equity + Capital Structure

What Are the Influences on the Capital Structure?

(a) Cash flow situation (b) Investment return (ROI)

(c) Debt cost (d) Equity cost (e) Floatation cost (f) Consideration of the risk (g) The state of the stock market

What are the potential risks of this investment?

Individuals only invest when they are confident that the value of an asset will increase. As a result, the risk variables to which investments are subject are included in the investment definition.

Various investment products, for example, have different risk characteristics. Risk and return on investment, on the other hand, are directly proportionate. When an investment choice is riskier, the return on investment or asset value appreciation is greater. When an investment channel is significantly safer, however, investors earn a lesser return.

Alternative Investing Strategies

  • Mutual funds with Induced Investments
  • Bonds

The Advantages of Investing in Equity Securities

You have a two-fold earning potential when you invest in equity shares:

The increase in stock price has resulted in capital appreciation.

If the corporation issues dividends, you’ll have a steady source of revenue.Possibility of a High-Paying Job

Defend Against Inflation

If you store your money in a savings account, you may not be able to keep up with inflation at all times. As a result, many investors prefer higher-returning financial products like equities shares to maintain their purchasing power.

Investing in Equity Shares Comes With Risks

If the majority of investors feel that a firm will lose money or go bankrupt in the future, they will begin dumping its shares. As a result, there will be more sellers than buyers in the market for the aforementioned stock, resulting in supply exceeding demand and a dip in the stock’s market price. As a result, when you invest in shares, you run the chance of losing money rather than making money.

Loss of capital

A capital loss is a loss experienced as a result of the selling of business assets or the financing of more finances for the firm. In the balance sheet, it’s listed as fake assets.


Volatility is a measure of how quickly the price of an investment fluctuates over time. It expresses the degree of risk associated with the price changes of an investment.

FAQs on What are Equity Shares?

Q.1. What Is the Best Way to Purchase Equity Shares?

Answer. Three accounts are required to invest in the stock market:

  • To hold the shares in your name, you’ll need a Demat account.
  • A trading account with a stockbroker registered with a stock exchange is required to make buy and sell orders.
  • Associated Bank Account

Stocks can be purchased in two ways:

  • The IPO route

When a firm is listed on the stock exchange, formerly privately held shares become publicly traded, and current private shareholders’ shares become public shares.

  • Investing in the stock market

Aside from the initial public offering, you can purchase and sell stocks on the stock markets at any time during the year.

Q.2. What do you understand by Diversification of Investments?

Investing, in its most basic form, is the purchase of assets with the potential to generate returns. Asset classes such as equities, bonds, real estate, and commodities, among others, can be used to categorize the many investment possibilities available. These asset types are divided into three categories depending on capital risk, tax treatment, and expected return potential. As a result, it’s a good idea to invest in a variety of asset classes so that the poor performance of one doesn’t affect your overall returns.

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