The character set is a combination of English language comprising of the Alphabets and the White spaces and some symbols from the mathematics including the Digits and the Special symbols. C++ character set means the characters and the symbols that are understandable and acceptable by the C++ Program. These are grouped to create and give the commands, expressions, words, c-statements, and some of the other tokens for the C++ Language.
It is basically the combination of alphabets or characters, special symbols, digits, and white spaces that are similar as the learning English is to initially learns the alphabets, then learn how to combine these alphabets to create words, which in turn are joined to make sentences and sentences are joined to create the paragraphs. More about a C++ program we can say is that it is basically an order of the characters arranged in a sequence. These characters come from the character set and play various roles in many ways in the C++ compiler.
In addition to characters, C++ also uses a mixture of characters to represent some special conditions as well. For example; Character combinations like ‘\nt, ‘\b’ and ‘\t’ are used for the representation of the newline, backspace, and the horizontal tab correspondingly.
The alphabets are symbolized by A-Z & a-z, whichever is applicable. C- Language is case sensitive so it always takes dissimilar meanings for the lower case and the upper case letters. By the use of this character set C statements and character constants are writable very easily. Thus, all 26 letters are usable in C-programming.
The digits are symbolized from 0-9 or by combining these digits together. With the use of digits, the numeric constant is easily writable. The numeric data can also be assigned to the C-tokens as well. All the 10 digits starting from 0 and ending at 9 are usable in the C-programming.
Special Symbols
All of the total keyboard keys excluding the alphabets, digits, and white spaces are termed as the special symbols. Thus, these are some punctuation marks as well as some special symbols usable for some special purpose or quotation.
There is a total of thirty special symbols that we can use in the C-programming. Moreover, special symbols are usable for the C-statements like; to make an arithmetic statement +, -, * etc., for creating relational statement <, >, <=, >=, == etc. , for creating assignment statement =, for creating logical statement &&, II etc. are necessary.
White Spaces
White spaces have blank space, newline return, tab space (Horizontal), Form feed, carriage ctrl, etc. are all usable for special purposes. Notably, Turbo-C Compiler always disregards these white space characters in both high-level programming as well in low-level programming.
Browse more Topics Under Getting Started with C++
- C++ Tokens
- Structure of a C++ Program
- Header Files
- Use of I/O Operators
- Use of endl and setw
- Cascading of I/O Operators
- Compilation in C++
- Error Messages
- Use of Editor
- Basic Commands of Editor
- Linking in C++
- Execution in C++
FAQ on C++ Character Set
Question 1: Define token ‘C++’.
Answer: A token is the tiniest element of a ‘C++’ program that is meaningful to the compiler. Further, the ‘C++’ parser recognizes these types of tokens that are:
Boolean and Pointer Literals
Question 2: What features make the ‘C++’ programming so powerful and strong?
Answer: Here is the list of some most important and essential features in the ‘C++’ that come into use for developing high-performing applications:
Object-Oriented Programming
Mid-Level Programming Language
Rich Library
Case Sensitive
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Question 3: Is ‘C++’ a capital or not?
Answer: The isupper() function makes sure that ‘ch’ is in uppercase as classified by the current C locale. Moreover, by default, the characters starting from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ (ascii value ‘65’ to ‘90’) are uppercase characters. Thus, the behaviour of isupper() is undefined if the value of ‘ch’ can’t be represented as unsigned char or is not the same as ‘EOF’.
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