
Using Random and Randint Functions

Python is one of the programming languages and it defines a set of functions whose use takes place for the generation or manipulation of random numbers via the random module in python. Furthermore, the reliance of the functions in the random module is on a pseudo-random number generator function random(). Moreover, randint() refers to an inbuilt function belonging to the random module that is in Python3.

random module in python

                                                                                                                              Random Module in Python

random() Function in Python

random(), simply speaking, is an inbuilt function of the random module in Python3 and it helps in the derivation of the python random list. Furthermore, the random module in Python provides access to some useful functions and one of them is able to facilitate the generation of random floating numbers, which is random(). Also, its syntax is random. random() python.

Syntax: random.random()

Parameters: Any parameter is not accepted by this method.

Returns: Random floating number between 0 and 1 is returned by this method.

First of all, example #1: Simple implementation of sample() function


# Python3 program to demonstrate

# the use of random() function .

# import random

from random import random

# Prints random item

Moreover, print(random())

Furthermore, output:

Moreover, Example 2:


# Python3 program to demonstrate

# the use of random() function .

# import random

Also, from random import random

lst = []

for i in range(10):


# Prints random items

Furthermore, print(lst)

Finally, Output:


[0.12144204979175777, 0.27614050014306335, 0.8217122381411321, 0.34259785168486445, 0.6119383347065234, 0.8527573184278889, 0.9741465121560601, 0.21663626227016142, 0.9381166706029976, 0.2785298315133211]

Browse more Topics Under Functions

randint() Function in Python

randint() refers to an inbuilt function belonging to the random module in Python3. Furthermore, access is provided by random module provides access to some beneficial functions. Moreover,  one of the functions is to generate random numbers, which is randint().

Syntax :

randint(start, end)

Parameters :

(start, end) : Both of them have to be integer-type values.

Returns :

A random integer in the range [start, end] consisting of the endpoints.

Errors and Exceptions :

ValueError: Returns a ValueError when floating-point values are passed as parameters.

TypeError: TypeError is returned when anything other than

numeric values is passed as parameters.

Code #1 :


# Python3 program explaining work

# of randint() function

# imports random module

import random

# Generates a random number between

# a given positive range

r1 = random.randint(0, 10)

Furthermore, another important point, print("Random number between 0 and 10 is % s" % (r1))

# Generates a random number between

# two given negative range

r2 = random.randint(-10, -1)

Also, another important point, print("Random number between -10 and -1 is % d" % (r2))

# Generates a random number between

# a positive and a negative range

r3 = random.randint(-5, 5)

Furthermore, another important point, print("Random number existing between -5 and 5 is % d" % (r3))

So, output:


Random number between 0 and 10 is 5

Also, Random number between -10 and -1 is -7

Finally, Random number between -5 and 5 is 2

Furthermore, code #2 : Program demonstrating the ValueError.


# imports random module

import random

'''If we pass floating point values as

parameters in the randint() function'''

r1 = random.randint(1.23, 9.34)

Moreover, print(r1)

So, output :


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/home/", line 6, in

r1=random.randint(1.23, 9.34)

File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 218, in randint

return self.randrange(a, b+1)

File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 182, in randrange

raise ValueError("non-integer arg 1 for randrange()")

ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange()

FAQs on Using Random and Randint Functions

Question 1: Explain the working of randint in a simple manner?

Answer 1: randint(1,101) will facilitate the automatic selection of a random integer between 1 and 100 for you. Furthermore, the process is fairly simple. Moreover, a random number will be generated between 1 and 20 by this code, and that number will be multiplied by 5.

Question 2: What is meant by the random module in python?

Answer 2: The random module in python is a built-in module that leads to the generation of pseudo-random variables. Furthermore, its use can take place to perform some action randomly such as to randomly shuffle elements, selecting random elements from a list, getting a random number, etc.

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