Arithmetic Progression

What is Addend in Maths?

What is Addend?

The world of mathematics very wide, but it is based on elementary and fundamental concepts, which we all know very well. However, the most common mathematics term is addend.

These concepts are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Basis these four clear concepts, we can solve any question irrespective of being the toughest ones.

However, for solving mathematical equations, we need to have a clear understanding of all the vocabulary circling these concepts. So, here, we will talk about the vocabulary circling addition, especially addends.

What is the Vocabulary Associated With Addition?

The mathematical operation of addition corresponds to putting two or more smaller numbers together to make a larger one. This journey involves a more significant outcome than the numbers used for adding. The associated vocabulary of addition is:

  1. Sum: It is the outcome of the addition procedure. It is the more significant number you get as your result by combining two or more smaller numbers. Most commonly, we also refer to it as total.
  2. Plus (+): It is a symbol that we use to denote the procedure of addition. We place the symbol between each number that we need to add.
  3. Equals (=): It is yet another symbol that we use to denote the outcome of the addition procedure. It is just another term that means “is” or “amounts to.” We place this symbol after the numbers to add, an write to let everyone know that the answer will be preceding this.
  4. Numeral: These are the integers that we use in the addition procedure. We also know these as numbers.


But have you ever imagine what we call these smaller numbers that we use for adding? No? We know these numbers as addends. The word ‘addend’ was first coined and used during the early 1900s. It is derived from the Latin word named ‘addendus,’ which means ‘to be added.’

Mathematical Definition of Addend

An addend corresponds to the numbers that it involves in the addition process. Also, we know it as a summand. In simpler words, addend is the one to which we add the others terms. Or it is a quantity that we need to add to another. The first addend of the entire sequence of numbers that are to be added to get a larger outcome is termed as augend.

Examples of Addends

Did you know a fun fact about addend? Addends are not just numbers. They can be any term or a variable that we require to add. Confused? No worries! Let us understand this with some examples.

Listed below are some of the addition problems that dhow the versatility of terms that can be considered as addends during the addition process.

  1. 206 + 45 = 251

In this example, 206 and 45 are the addends

  1. x+ 6x + 13y + 108z

In this example, x, 5x, 13y, 108z are the addends

  1. 2x^4yz^6 + 8xyz+ 5xy^9z^3

In this example, even though it looks big and messy, the addends are still just term that adds together. 2x^4yz^6, 8xyz, and 5xy^9z^3 are the addends.

Now when you know everything about addends and addition procedure, go and explore the vocabulary associated with rest four mathematical operations to get a clear understanding of them.

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