Methods and Functions

Python Set update()

The Python set update() method adds items from other iterables to the set.

update() has the following syntax:


A is a set, and iterable can be any iterable, including a list, set, dictionary, string, and so on. The iterable’s elements are added to the set A.

Let’s look at another example:

A.update(iter1, iter2, iter3)

Set A now contains the items of iterables iter1, iter2, and iter3.

Return Value from update()

This python set update() method returns No value.


What does update () do in Python?

The update() method adds elements from another set to the current set (or any other iterable).

Only one appearance of an item will be present in the revised set if it appears in both sets.

What is a Hashset Python?

Consider the following scenario: we wish to create a HashSet data structure in Python without utilising any of the built-in hash table modules. There will be a variety of functions available, including:

It is used to insert a value x into the HashSet using add().
contains() is used to determine whether or not the value x is present in the HashSet.
It is used to delete x from the HashSet using remove(). It will do nothing if the value does not exist in the HashSet.

Let’s look at an example to understand the functions:

We will first initialise the Hash Set, then call the add(1) function, which will add 1 to the hash set, then add(3), which will add 3, then contains(1), which will check whether the element is present in the hash set or not, then contains(2), add(2), contains(2), remove(2), contains(2).

True for 1 is present, false for 2 is not present, true for 2 is present, false for 2 is not present, true for 2 is present, false for 2 is not present, and so on.

How do you update a list in Python?

The slice on the left-hand side of the assignment operator can be used to update single or many elements of a list, and the append() method can be used to add to elements in a list.

For example:



list = [‘physics’, ‘chemistry’, 1997, 2000];

print “Value available at index 2 : “

print list[2]

list[2] = 2001;

print “New value available at index 2 : “

print list[2]


Value available at index 2 :


New value available at index 2 :


How does Python implement set?

Sets are generated in Python using the set() method. A list with no items is produced. It’s worth noting that an empty Set can’t be constructed using ; instead, it constructs a dictionary.

Checking to see if something is in: On average, the time complexity of this operation is O(1). However, in the worst-case scenario, it may become O(n).

Inserting elements into a set is done using the set.add() function, which creates an appropriate record value to insert in the hash table. On average, it takes O(1) to check for an item. However, in the worst-case scenario, it may become O(n).

If there are many values at the same index position, the value is attached to that index point to create a Linked List. CPython Sets are implemented using a dictionary with dummy variables, with the key being the members set and the time complexity optimised.

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