Programming Examples is the most effective approach to learning Python. This page offers examples of Python’s fundamental concepts. Python programs can cover a wide range of topics, including basic python programming, conditions and loops, functions, and native data types. A list of the top Python programs, as frequently asked by interviewers, is provided below. The examples are divided into categories such as List, strings, dictionary, tuple, sets, and many more. In this article, we will look at various Python code examples that are commonly used by programmers in their daily lives.
Basic Programs
Python Printing Program Hello there, world!
Python Addition of Two Numbers
Python program for calculating the factorial of a number
Python Program to Calculate the Square Root
Calculate the Area of a Triangle in Python
Quadratic Equation Solver in Python
Convert kilometers to miles with a Python application.
Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit in Python
Swapping Two Variables in Python
Python Program for Creating a Random Number
Python Program to Determine Whether a Number is Positive, Negative, or Zero
Python Program to Determine Whether a Number is Odd or Even
Python Program for Checking the Leap Year
Finding the Largest of Three Numbers in Python
Python Program for Printing All Prime Numbers in a Range
Python Program for Finding a Number’s Factorial
Python Program for Displaying the Multiplication Table
Printing the Fibonacci Sequence in Python
Checking the Armstrong Number in Python
Python Program to Calculate the Armstrong Number in an Interval
Python program to calculate the sum of natural numbers
Python program to find numbers that are divisible by another number
Function Programs
Python Program to Find HCF or GCD
Python Program to Find LCM
Python Program for Finding a Number’s Factors
A Python Program for Creating a Simple Calculator
Calendar Displaying Python Program
Python Program Displays the Fibonacci Sequence using Recursion
Python program to find the factor of a number using Recursion
Python Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion
Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Using Recursion
Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal in Python
Python Program to Determine the ASCII Value of a Character
Matrix Programs
Python Program to Add Two Matrices
Python Program to Multiply Two Matrices
Python Program to Transpose a Matrix
List Programs
Python program to Access Index of a List Using for Loop
Python program to Make a Flattened List from Nested List
Python program to Slice Lists
Python program to Determine Whether a List Is Empty
Python program for removing a list element
Python program for combining two lists
Python program for converting a list to a set.
Python program for converting a list to a string.
Python Program for Counting the Number of Times an Item Appearance in a List
Python Program for Choosing an Element at Random From a List
Python Program for Removing Duplicate List Elements
String Programs
Python Program to Determine Whether or Not a String Is a Palindrome
Remove Punctuation from a String in Python
Converting a String to a Datetime in Python
Python program for obtaining a substring of a string
Python Program for Capitalizing the First Character in a String
Python Program to Compute All String Permutations
Python program for string reversal
Python program for converting a list to a string.
Python program for converting an int to a string
Concatenation of two strings in Python
Python program for creating a random string
Dictionary Programs
Python Program to create a dictionary
Python program to convert a list to a dictionary.
Sorting a dictionary in Python
Python Program for Combining Two Dictionaries
Iterating Over Dictionaries in Python Using the for Loop
Sorting a Dictionary by Value in Python
Python Program to Determine Whether a Key Already Exists in a Dictionary
Delete an Element from a Dictionary in Python
File Handling Programs
Python Program to Merge Mails
Python program for determining the size (resolution) of an image
Python Program for Finding File Hash
Python Program for Creating a Nested Directory in a Secure Way
Python program that can catch many exceptions in a single line.
Copying a File in Python
Python Program to read a file into a list Line by line
Python Program to Append data to a file
Python Program for Counting Lines in a File
Python Program to Find All Files Ending in.txt Showcased within a Directory
Python Program to Get File Creation and Modification Date
Python Program for Obtaining the Complete Path of the Current Working Directory
Python Program for File Size Checking
Date-Time Programs
Python program for obtaining the current time
Get Current Date and Time using Python
Python Program for Making a Lap Timer
Convert date string to timestamp in Python
How to convert timestamp string to datetime object in Python?
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Where can I write Python code in?
Python is a cross-platform programming language, which means it can operate on a variety of systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, and it has even been converted to the Java and.NET virtual machines. It is open-source and free.
Using an IDE is the most convenient way to run Python.
If we do not like to utilize the IDE, here is how to install and execute Python on your PC.
- Install the most recent Python version.
- Run the installer file and follow the installation instructions.
You can also use –
- Python IDLE
- Command Prompt can also be used ( just write python in cmd and python shell will be opened)
- Editors like as PyCharm, Eclipse with the PyDev plugin, and others are available.
Q2. What is Python code used for?
Python, one of the world’s most popular programming languages, has produced everything from Netflix’s recommendation system to the software that operates self-driving cars. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it may be used in a variety of applications such as data science, software and web development, automation, and so on.
Python is a computer programming language that is frequently used to create websites and applications, automate operations, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used to develop a wide range of applications and is not specialized for any particular problem.
Python is used in many application domains. Such as:
- Web & Internet Development
- Education
- Scientific and Numeric Purposes
- Operating Systems
- Fintech
- Desktop & Mobile Applications
- AI and Machine Learning
- Data Science
- S/w Testing and Prototyping
- Business Applications
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