The section Classification Practice Questions has all the different types of questions that may be formulated from the concepts that we have seen. After reading the other topics we highly advise you to check your knowledge and assert the clarity of concepts by going through the following section. The answers to each question have been provided below.
Classification Practice Questions
‘Classification’ means ‘to assert the items of a given group on the basis of certain common quality they possess and then spot the stranger out’. In this test, you are given a group of certain items, out of which all except one are similar to one another in some manner. The candidate is required to choose this one item which does not fit into the given group. Here we will see all the questions from this section that may be asked in the exams that you are about to appear in. Let us begin!
Type 1: Choosing The Odd Word
Directions: In each of the following questions, five words have been given, out of which four are alike in some manner and the fifth one is different. Choose out the odd one.
Q1: (a) Kiwi (b) Eagle (c) Emu (f) Penguin (e) Ostrich
Q2: (a) Lake (b) Sea (c) River (d) Pool (e) Pond
Q3: (a) Arrow (b) Axe (c) Knife (d) Dagger (e) Sword
Q4: (a) Sun (b) Moon (c) Star (d) Mars (e) Universe (Bank P.O. 1997)
Q5: (a) House (b) Cottage (c) School (f) Palace (e) Hut
Q6: (a) Turtle (b) Lamb (c) Colt (d) Bitch (e) Farrow
Q7: (a) Fox (b) Wolf (c) Jackal (f) Deer (e) Panther
Q8: (a) Cap (b) Turban (c) Helmet (d) Veil (e) Hat
Q9: (a) Physics (b) Chemistry (c) Geography (d) Botany (e) Zoology
Q10: (a) Deck (6) Quay ic) Stern (d) Bow (e) Mast   (M.BA 1997)
Q11: (a) Assassinate (b) Kill (c) Kidnap (d) Stab (e) Murder
Q12: (a) Rat (b) Squirrel (c) Mongoose (d) Mole (e) Porcupine
Q13: (a) Skull (b) Appendix (c) Pelvis (d) Fibula (e) Vertebra
Q14: (a) Canoe (b) Igloo (c) Yacht (d) Dinghy (e) Raft
Q15. (a) Leone (b) Dirham (c) Baht (d) Lempira (e) Cortes
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Q1: (b), Q2: (c), Q3: (a), Q4: (e), Q5: (c), Q6: (d), Q7: (d), Q8: (d), Q9: (c), Q10: (b), Q11: (c), Q12: (c), Q13: (b), Q14: (b), Q15: (e).
Type 2: Choosing The Odd Pair Of Words
In this type of questions, certain pairs of words are given out of which the words in all the pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. The candidate is required to decipher this relationship and choose the pair in which the words are differently related, as the answer.
Directions (Questions 1 to 10): In each of the following questions, five pairs of words are given out of which the words in four pairs bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.
Q1: (a) Masons: Wall (b) Cobbler: Shoe (c) Farmer: Crop (d) Chef : Cook (e) Choreographer: Ballet
Q2: (a) Bottle: Wine (b) Cup: Tea (c)Â Pitcher: Water (d) Ball: Bat (e) Inkpot: Ink
Q3: (a) Stallion: Colt (b) Horse: More (c) Dog: Bitch (d) Drake: Duck (e) Drone: Bee
Q4: (a) Ornithology: Birds (b) Mycology: Fungi (c) Biology: Botany (d) Phycology: Algae (e) Entomology: Insects
Q5: (a) Daring: Timid (b) Beautiful: Pretty (c) Clear: Vague (e) Native: Alien (d) Youth: Adult
Q6: (a) Fish: Shoal (b) Cow: Herd (c) Sheep: flock (d) Man: Mob (e) Bee: Swarm
Q7: (a) Lion: Roar (b) Snake: Hiss (c) Frog: Bleat (d) Bees: Hum (e) Birds: Chirp
Q8: (a) Atom: Electron (b) Train: Engine (c) House: Room (d) Scooter: Gears (e) Curd: Milk
Q9: (a) Farmer: Plough (b) Butcher: Chopper (c) House: Room (d) Jockey: Tack (e) Lumberjack: Axe
Q10: (a) Pascal: Pressure (b) Watt: Power (c) Ampere: Current (d) Radian: Degree (e) Joule: Energy
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Q1: (d), Q2: (d), Q3: (a), Q4: (c), Q5: (b), Q6: (d), Q7: (c), Q8: (e), Q9: (c), Q10: (d)
Type 3: Choosing The Odd Numeral
Directions (Questions 1 to 10) : In each of the following questions, five numbers are given. Out of these, four are alike in a certain way but the rest one is different. Choose the one which is different from the rest four.
Q1: (a) 43 (6) 53 (c) 63 (d) 73 (e) 83Â Â Â Â (Bank P.O. 1996)
Q2: (a) 10 (b) 26 (c)24 (d) 21 (e) 18
Q3: (a) 51 (6) 144 (c) 64 (d) 121 (e) 256Â Â Â (B.8.RJ*. 1995)
Q4: (a) 15 (6) 21 (c) 24 (d) 28 (e) 30
Q5: (a) 324 (b) 244 (c) 136 (d) 352 (e) 514
Q6: (a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 18 (d) 9 (e) 7Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (S.C.H.A. 1993)
Q7: (a) 45 (b) 99 (c) 109 (d) 126 (e) 207
Q8: (a) 27 (b) 125 (c) 343 (d) 729 (e) 1321
Q9: (a) 21 (b) 39 (c) 51 (d) 63 (e) 83Â Â Â (S.B.I. P.O. 1997)
Q10: (a) 35 (b) 49 (c) 50 (d) 63 (e) 140
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Q1: (c), !2: (d), Q3: (a), Q4: (d), Q5: (a), Q6: (e), Q7: (c), Q8: (e), Q9: (e), Q10: (c).
Type 4: Choosing The Odd Numeral Pair/Group
In this type of questions, certain pairs/groups of numbers are given out of which all except one are similar in some manner while one is different. The numbers in these similar pairs may have the same property or may be related to each other according to the same rule. The candidate is required to choose the odd pair/group.
Directions: Choose the odd numeral pair/group in each of the following questions:
Q 1: (a) 95 – 82 (b) 69 – 56 (c) 55 – 42 (d) 48 – 34Â Â [I. Tax, 1996]
Q 2: (a) 2 – 8 (b) 3 – 27 (c) 4 – 32 (d) 6 – 125
Q 3: (a) 80 – 9 (b) 64 – 8 (c) 36 – 6 (d) 7 – 49Â Â [C.B.L 1997]
Q 4: (a) 3 – 5 (b) 5 – 3 (c) 6 – 2 (d) 7 – 3Â Â [C.A.T 1997]
Q 5: (a) 1 – 0 (b) 3 – 8 (c) 6 – 35 (d) 7 – 50
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Q 1: (d), Q 2: (c), Q 3: (a), Q 4: (d), Q 5: (d).
Type 5: Choosing The Odd Letter Group
In this type of questions, usually, five groups of letters are given. Four of them are similar to each other in some manner while one is different and this is to be chosen by the candidate as the answer.
Directions : In each of the following questions, five groups of letters are given. Four of them are alike in a certain way while one is different. Choose the odd one.
Q1: (a) DE (6) PQ (c)TU (d) MO (e) FGÂ Â Â (Bank P.O. 1994)
Q2: (a) XW (ft) FG (c) ML (d) PO (e) TSÂ Â (ULC. 1994)
Q3: (a) BD (ft) MP (c) NQ (d) HK (e) TWÂ (B.S.R.B. 1997)
Q4: (a) AE (ft) AI (c) 10 (d) EI (e) OU
Q5: (a) KP (ft) MN (c) HR (d) GT (e) EVÂ Â (Bank P.O. 1998)
Q6: (a) VT (ft) MQ (r) PR W) DF (e) FGÂ Â (Bank P.O. 1996)
Q7: (a) BCD (ft) NPR (c) KLM (rf) RQP (e) HGFÂ Â (S.B.I. P.O. 1991)
Q8: (a) ABD (ft) FGI (c) LMO W) STU (e) WXZ
Q9: (a) HGF (ft) XWV (c) NML (d) OPQ (c) UTSÂ (B.S.R.B. 1998)
Q10: (a) ACE (ft) PRT (c) UWY (d) MNO (e) GIK
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Q1: (d), Q2: (b), Q3: (a), Q4: (b), Q5: (c), Q6: (e), Q7: (b), Q8: (d), Q9: (d), Q10: (d).
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